Monday, February 1, 2010

WhOsE fAulT is it.......?????

44 deemed universities are under scanner.

The fate of 1,19,363 students pursing UG & PG are uncertain .

2124 M.Phil and Ph.d aspirants future is going to be shattered.
This is the outcome of the initiation taken by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal to obliterate the deemed status of various universities mostly from South. Though their fate is with the Supreme Court now, its clear that a tough summer awaits for these students who got in these universities after paying astronomical fees.
If we wish to point out whose fault is this, its not the ministry who is it at fault. Kapil Sibal pointed out 4 factors which drag these universities under scanner. They are as follows:-
  • Lack of transparency in giving deemed university status to private institution by UGC.
  • No redressal mechanism to deal with the malpractice indulged in these institutions.
  • There is no proper monitoring of quality of these institutions.
  • Tall claims and false promise are advertised everywhere to mislead the aspiring students.
In south India one would find numerous "universities" every 10 km radius. University business has really paid up. Considering an example...while travelling from Chennai to Vellore one would find 12 universities!!! And the scenario is even pathetic in Bangalore where you can find an Engineering College in every colony, who can compete Cafe Coffee Day soon enough!!!
In just seven months time Kapil Sibal is ready with, what one may see as the most comprehensive prescription for higher education in the country.
He has come up with four revolutionary billls most important of which is the creation of National Commission for Higher Education (NCHER) that
will replace the nearly six decade old UGC. Though this move is facing resistance from various
quarters, if implemented to the letter and spirit, the new bill will
make opaqueness of the UGC a thing of past.

Is it the fault of these students who felt in trap of
these false claiming institutions or the Ministry
is being too harsh..............????????


  1. The initiation by kapil is really appreciated towards quality education and prevention of misuse in the name of education. It is not the fault of the student but instead it is the fault of the Commercial management education centers - who for the sake of money giving false assurance and useless degrees.

    To prevent this - Government must make an amendment/regulations for universities (private/govt) to take care of education and students life.

  2. @sudheer-what your telling is very true but what about those thousands of students who were presently studying.whats dere fault?

  3. Honestly i completely agree that our so called "educational norms" have to be changed..its high time that we take a stand on this.. Both the society at large as well the students are on stake. Therefore an initiative like what Mr.Sibal is taking deserves complete support !!!

  4. the government must strict the laws on these universities,so they don't make it as a business and those students already pursuing there education must be guided for completion of thier studies.There is no other hope for these students,thats because there aren't a few but in huge number of students.

  5. i totally agree with Mr.Sibal. Things have been wrong for far too long.Now its the time to clean up and set things right.As far as the fate of the concerned students is concerned, I think Mr.Sibal has made it clear that they will get the degrees from the parent university. The new regulatory body is welcome. Its high time we stem the rot that has crept into the higher education system
